Danube GeoTour Project
Valorisation of geo-heritage for sustainable and innovative tourism development of Danube Geoparks
With January 2017 the project partners in the Danube GeoTour started to implement the project activities. In the project, co-financed by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme, partners will face a challenge, recognised by all partners: the sustainable use of the exceptional wealth of natural resources and heritage in the geoparks, through sustainable tourism develoment that avoids the negative environmental impacts. The main project result will be joint Danube GeoTour designed to strengthen cooperation between the regions' Geoparks and act as an innovative tourism product to accelerate visibility and tourist visits in the geoparks. Common strategy for sustainable management of geotourism pressures will form the basis for creating innovative geoproducts. Sharing experiences, testing pilot geotourism products and new interpretative approaches should increase local inhabitants' engagement, Geopark management capacities and lower the quality gap between Danube and other EU Geoparks.
As part of the project, the Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate as the founder and management body of the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark will renew two nature trails and will develop a new volcanological trail in the geopark. Another important development will be the renewing of the indoor exhibition of the Hegyestű Geological Visitor Site near Monoszló.
There are 11 partners in the project: Idrija Heritage Centre- Idrija Geopark (SLO), as a leading partner, Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate (H), Styrian Eisenwurzen (A), Public institution »Nature Park Papuk« (HR), ARGE Geopark Karavanks (A/SLO), Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation (SLO), Bakony & Balaton Regional Tourism Nonprofit Ltd. (H), Bohemian Paradise Geopark non-profit organization (CZ), University of Bucharest (RO), University of Presov (SL), Public Enterprise National Park Djerdap (SRB). Additionally there are 3 associated strategic partners in the project, that will help to ensure the high quality of implemented actions: Humanpolis ltd / Rokua Geopark (F), Naturtejo – Tourism Company (P) and Global Geoparks Network (FR).
The total value of the project, with a duration of 30 months (until June 2019) is approx. 1,7 mio EUR.
Public presentation and the Kick Off meeting of all project partners was held between 13 and 15 March 2017 in Idrija (Slovenia).
Facebook page of the project
Project Coordinator:
Bálint Pataky
Phone: +36 30 491 0087
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
These posters are about the sustainable use of geodiversity. On the front side, there are photos of minerals, fossils and geosites from all eight Geoparks. On the other side are recommendations for general public, presented by illustrations (click on the photos for downloading):
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Newsletters (pdf):
28 June 2018.: Newsletter on filming for the promotional movie
Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)